10 HR Solutions for Businesses

With small and mid-sized businesses, one person is the founder, CEO, COO and CFO all rolled into one. That means that they have a lot of work, responsibility and stress.

Invariably, the most complicated part of that multifaceted leadership role is dealing with Human Resources. HR is often overlooked in growing companies, but there are a lot of potential problems that can lead to direct costs (e.g., hiring replacements, litigation) and indirect costs (e.g., loss of efficiency, poisoned company culture) that can jeopardize the entire enterprise. 

Everything in HR — recruiting, interviewing, hiring, paperwork, onboarding, basic policies, performance, company culture, compliance and more — starts and ends with people and how you deal with them.


1 Recruiting Talent

The cost of advertising, interviewing, screening and hiring can be excessive, and the process can take countless hours over several months. Don’t rush through the process. Make detailed and specific job descriptions to focus the search.

A job description establishes the foundation for finding the right employee.


2 Interviewing Potential Candidates

It is essential that you are correct about your hiring decision. Replacing a salaried employee costs, on average, between six and nine months of salary. Establish a consistent interview process. Make sure to decide on some answers to these questions:

  •  How much time will you spend with each candidate?
  •  Who else will sit in on the interview?
  •  What questions will you ask?
  •  What skills does the position require?


3 Hiring the Best

Big companies may have a good reputation. Small companies can provide nice perks to lure top talent.

  • Work from home.
  • Flexible hours to take the kids to swimming lessons.
  • Relaxed dress code.
  • Small-group camaraderie.
  • The chance to be there at the start of the company.
  • Exerting influence and making a difference are often more important than money.


Home office is comfortable, so it can be a perk to lure top talent.


4 Completing Official Paperwork

The classic three-file HR system — official paperwork, personal paperwork and medical documents — is time-consuming and inefficient. Company management software allows employees to fill in their own information and update it whenever necessary. A physical signature is old school; an electronic signature is more efficient, faster and just as binding.


5 Get the New Hires Up To Speed

Don’t skimp on training because investing in employees is an investment in the company. Plan ahead of time to be most efficient: Who will do the initial training? Who will double-check the early work? After the initial training, it is definitely important to keep people up on the latest know-how and trends.


The best companies are always training employees in best practices.


6 Company Policies

Small companies may not have an official employee handbook, but they should at least establish policies for work hours, dress code, social media use and other aspects of daily life in the company. More important regulations must also be in place, including risk management, Workers’ Compensation, dispute resolution and safety inspections.


7 Assess the Performance of the Employee

Regular feedback, hopefully, will fix any problems. But sometimes you just have to give up on an employee. When do you pull the plug? Does it take several people to agree with the dismissal? Or three unsatisfactory performance reviews? Whatever the guidelines, thorough documentation is protection against a lawsuit.


Performance reviews start a paper trail for each employee that can provide the documentation to protect against a lawsuit.


8 Dealing with Company Culture

When people are not happy, their productivity decreases, co-workers feel it and customers sense it. Do whatever you can to keep everyone happy: a random Friday off; a pizza party; a small bonus; happy hour drinks. Turnover is a killer. Any change in personnel affects the bottom line and the overall mood of the company.


It’s always possible to have a little bit of fun — even at work.


9 Compliance

The government and different organizational bodies are constantly considering and reconsidering laws and regulations. Posting federal and state notices is required. Make a list of all of the regulations that you need to follow, and make sure to stay on top of them.


10 General Know-How and Experience

There are a lot of more complicated questions that always come up for growing businesses. Do extensive research and find an expert to help. Is it better to hire a contractor instead of a normal full-time employee? Which retirement system is the best? Do you need a dental plan? How do you create a vesting program? Can you reduce your tax burden? What software is best for company management?


Who is the software expert in your company?


These are all important aspects of making a company into a success. Help is available. Worklio is a company that works hand in hand with Professional Employer Organizations to take care of all the day-to-day tasks that can make or break a business.

Disruption is Not Necessarily Bad

Worklio Harnesses Modern Technology to Improve Your Business

It used to be that humans carried everything. Then someone invented the wheel. For centuries, people ate berries. Then came fire. Words were chiseled into stone tables, then written on papyrus and finally printed by Gutenberg.

So it goes with the contemporary world: Technology is moving things so quickly that it is sometimes hard to realize how our lives have been changed since only a few years ago.

Worklio represents a new era for the PEO and ASO industry because Worklio is introducing the technology that will forever disrupt the status quo — in a good way.

Worklio is a modern platform that will move your company into the new age of technology. No more paperwork. No need for physical signatures. Everything is connected.

There are three ways that Worklio uses the latest in technology.

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
  • Cloud computing
  • Security

All three are connected. All three make your company more efficient.



Not long ago, businesses needed to install software on individual computers and keep racks of servers for data storage. Software-as-a-Service is the new way. You can keep everything on the premises, but now software is provided through the internet, data is stored in the cloud, and everything is secure.

Worklio is a SaaS company that maintains a comprehensive company-management platform for client companies to use. Worklio keeps up with technology trends. And Worklio keeps all of the data available and safe.

You simply go to an internet browser and log on. The platform is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, including through Android, iOS, and Microsoft mobile apps. Documents can even be signed from the beach.

The normal functions of a business are faster and more efficient because of the SaaS system. The entire company shares resources. Paperwork is digitized. Repetitive tasks are consolidated. General emails are automated. Attendance and time off data is connected, so the regular payroll run is a turn-key operation. The initial set up and migration of company data is efficient and smooth, with safeguards for missing information. The learning curve is gradual because of the logical interface. The platform is scalable so that it grows as your company grows. Management has tools to keep tabs on employee tasks and activities.


Cloud Computing

SaaS systems exist because Cloud Computing enables solid and secure internet connections.

Cloud Computing is what eliminates the need to buy software and servers. It enables you to access Worklio from around the globe, via smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers — an internet connection provides access to anything on the system from any location and any time zone.

You are no longer bound to the office or traditional work hours.

Worklio exists in a private cloud so that all of your data is kept private and there are connections to the public cloud for updates on federal regulations, tax documents and other official paperwork.

In addition to freedom, Cloud Computing enables companies to store a huge amount of data. As you grow and data accumulates, you don’t need to add servers — the cloud absorbs it all.



SaaS systems and Cloud Computing are only possible because of security.

Worklio has a comprehensive security system similar to what banks employ. After all, money is being transferred from the company to vendors and employees, so the level of security must be the same. If you trust your debit card, then you can trust Worklio.

The Worklio security system is validated with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) maintains internationally respected standards for business and ISO 27001 provides requirements for an information security management system (ISMS) in order to enable organizations to manage the security of assets, such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details and information from third parties.

Worklio respects the security and quality of all of the data that customers provide and uses multi-layered encryption of the highest standard available. There is constant monitoring, both in-house and through third-party cybersecurity firms, which meets and exceeds the industry standard.

There is a stratified system of access rights to restrict the number of people who have access to client information. All changes are logged so that all data alterations can be recreated. Data is backed up regularly. It is kept in numerous physical locations, with N+1 or greater redundancy to establish resiliency for all components.


Electronic Employee Onboarding: Isn’t it Time You Caught Up?

Electronic Employee Onboarding is not new, but it is a valuable tool that many PEOs still do not use.

There is so much that an Electronic Employee Onboarding system can provide:

  • It streamlines you clients’ internal hiring processes;
  • It creates automated communication (thus eliminating writing multiple emails);
  • It gets employees to input their own information (perhaps from the comfort of their own homes);
  • It allows for online signatures (to save a significant amount of time and paperwork);
  • It automatically updates the central database (to eliminate busy in-house work); and
  • It reduces errors throughout.

In a nutshell, Electronic Employee Onboarding takes the new-hire employee from “You’re hired!” to actual work as quickly and effectively as possible, with the use of online procedures that streamline document completion, signature gathering, and the dissemination of basic introductory information.

Worklio COO Ian Halliday addressed the positives of Electronic Employee Onboarding in the August issue of PEO Insider.

Download the article: Electronic Employee Onboarding: Isn’t it Time You Caught Up

Make sure to also read the sidebar about how hiring practices have evolved over the past two decades. It is an example of how technology is constantly changing the way business is done.

If you do not yet have an Electronic Employee Onboarding system, contact Worklio to find out how you can save time and money — and get new-hire employees to work more quickly and efficiently.

Call 1-844-996-7554 or send an email to demo@worklio.com to see the software in action.

Powerful Payroll Software Has Launched

With PEOs now live on the system.

Worklio™ is a new and powerful payroll software made for PEOs, ASOs and Staffing Firms that includes Payroll, HR, Workers’ Compensation, Benefits and more.

The Software-as-a-Service platform is purpose-built with the latest Microsoft® .Net and MS SQL 2017 technology, designed and optimized for the Microsoft® Cloud and available 24 x 7 across all devices. Complex functions are simplified with step-by-step instructions and customization allows for streamlining daily tasks. The design is intuitive and user-friendly to help customers handle the daily challenges of the PEO industry.

With several customers already live on the Worklio Platform, and many more signed and scheduled for implementation, Worklio is providing much-needed technological innovation for PEOs to help streamline their businesses.

To see the software in action and learn how it can help streamline your PEO business, email demo@worklio.com or call 1-844-996-7554.

DecisionHR Signs with Worklio,
‘The Future of the PEO Industry’

Groundbreaking new payroll platform allowing PEOs, ASOs and Staffing Firms to focus on customer service and growth.

BRNO, Czech Republic — Worklio™ has added DecisionHR, a large Florida-based PEO with close to 30,000 worksite employees, to the growing list of companies that have recognized the value of improving their technology with the expansive functionality of the Worklio PEO Payroll Software and Human Resources Information System.

“We have been monitoring Worklio’s progress closely over the past 12+ months and are impressed with the substantial investment Worklio is making in the PEO industry and the quality of the solutions the company provides to the PEO market,” said Peter Newman, President of DecisionHR. “DecisionHR differentiates itself by meeting the individual needs of our customers and the Worklio platform is vital for us in delivering on our promise. As we focus on our long-term growth, we see Worklio as a key partner which will represent the future of the PEO industry.”

“We are delighted to welcome DecisionHR as a major Worklio client. Through the very thorough and extensive evaluation and selection process, we’re delighted that we were able to both demonstrate Worklio’s capabilities and potential and lay a strong foundation for a tremendous business partnership going forward. We look forward to working closely with Peter and the team at DecisionHR in the years ahead,” said Ian Halliday, COO of Worklio.

Worklio is a state-of-the-art Payroll and HRIS solution that bolsters all aspects of daily business for Professional Employer Organizations, Administrative Services Organizations and Staffing Firms, including Payroll, HR, Workers’ Compensation, Benefits and much more. The Software-as-a-Service platform is built on the latest Microsoft® .Net and MS SQL 2017 technology platform, designed and optimized for the Microsoft® Cloud, and available 24 x 7 across all devices.

DecisionHR is a PEO located in St. Petersburg, Florida, that has been in business for 20 years. It is a full-service human resource outsourcing company serving small and mid-sized businesses nationwide.

Worklio will showcase its software with personal demonstrations at the NAPEO 2018 Annual Conference & Marketplace in Phoenix, AZ on Sept. 5-7. Sign up in Booth #415.

To see the software in action and learn how it can help streamline your PEO business, email demo@worklio.com or call 1-844-996-7554.

Worklio Wins Software Selection Process to Partner with The Doyle Group

Groundbreaking new payroll platform allowing PEOs, ASOs and Staffing Firms to focus on customer service and growth.

BRNO, Czech Republic — After a rigorous and comprehensive search, The Doyle Group, an Ohio-based, full-service CPA firm, has decided that its future will be best served with the advanced technology of the Worklio™ PEO Payroll Software and Human Resources Information System.

“We know our clients love dealing directly with us and Worklio allows us to do that in a better way than we already do,” said Ryan Doyle, CPA, the owner of The Doyle Group. “Obviously cost is important to us, but also the standards of the company we chose and how intuitive their platform is, was very important to us. Worklio proved to us that not only is it a robust payroll software, but its ability to integrate excellent HR offerings was intelligent and attractive.”

Worklio, which was selected over nine other competitors for The Doyle Group’s business, is a state-of-the-art Payroll and HRIS solution that bolsters all aspects of daily business for Professional Employer Organizations, Administrative Services Organizations and Staffing Firms, including Payroll, HR, Workers’ Compensation, Benefits and much more. The Software-as-a-Service platform is built on the latest Microsoft® .Net and MS SQL 2017 technology platform, optimized for the Microsoft® Cloud, and available 24 x 7 across all devices.

The Doyle Group is a mid-sized ASO with over 5,000 Work Site Employees in 150 client companies across five states. It strives to solve all its client’s issues in the accounting spectrum, including tax prep, planning, bookkeeping, and payroll services.

“We are delighted to welcome The Doyle Group to the Worklio team. There is a lot of competition for payroll/HRIS solutions and we are thrilled that The Doyle Group selected our solution over nine other competitive offerings,” said Ian Halliday, COO of Worklio.

Learn how the software can streamline your business: email demo@worklio.com or call 1-844-996-7554.

About Worklio™

Worklio is a powerful new payroll software purpose-built for PEOs, ASOs and Staffing Firms. The configurable platform includes Payroll, HR, Workers’ Compensation, Benefits and more. Worklio provides an intuitive and user-friendly Software-as-a-Service platform to help customers handle the daily challenges of the PEO industry. For more information, go to www.worklio.com.

Worklio™ Adds Payroll Conversion Expert Alan Nansel

Worklio™, a new and powerful payroll software platform purpose-built for PEOs, ASOs and Staffing Firms, has hired Alan Nansel as Vice President, Implementation Services, to help lead the conversion efforts for a long and growing list of customers.

Alan Nansel

“We are delighted to have Alan join the expanding Worklio™ team,” said Ian Halliday, COO of Worklio™. ”Alan’s wealth of experience and industry knowledge is a valuable addition that is already being recognized and applauded by customers and prospects alike. This further represents our ongoing commitment to be the leading provider of payroll software to the PEO industry and making the investments necessary to ensure our customers’ success. We welcome Alan to the team and are extremely confident that he will play a key role in providing and implementing high quality solutions.”

Nansel has decades of experience as a hands-on leader for payroll services and HR systems in the PEO industry. His specific expertise is in the transition and migration of complex systems and data conversion. Specifically, Nansel worked for Summit Software, later PrismHR, as a Business Analyst, Technical Project Manager and Database Manager. He has vast experience with Apex, a payroll processing software, and other payroll software systems.

“I’m excited about this opportunity because the Worklio software combines the best of the current industry-leading systems with the next generation of tools and technology that customers have been asking for,” Nansel said. “We’re bringing a fresh approach and making it easier, more nimble and more efficient. Customers are very excited about what we are doing and the feedback I’m hearing from demos and customers alike is overwhelmingly positive and reassuring.”

About Worklio™

Worklio™ is a new and powerful payroll software purpose-built for PEOs, ASOs and Staffing Firms. The configurable platform includes Payroll, HR, Workers’ Compensation, Benefits and more. Worklio™ provides an intuitive and user-friendly Software-as-a-Service system to help customers handle the daily challenges of the PEO industry. For more information, go to www.worklio.com.

How to Survive a Data Breach

We have all seen the articles about what a PEO should do to increase its security. Demand unique passwords. Enforce proper procedures. Use certified and secure software. Maintain the latest databases. Keep data breach insurance. It is simply the cost of doing business.

In fact, Bloomberg Technology expects that worldwide spending on security-related hardware, software and services will jump from $73.7 billion in 2016 to near $90 billion in 2018.

Yet, nobody will feel 100 percent safe. Nor should they.

So, what should you do if your PEO or a client has been the victim of a data breach?

Zdeněk Valach, the Chief Technology Officer of Worklio, addressed the worst case with an article in the March issue of PEO Insider, laying out a step by step guide for dealing with a data breach.

Click here to see a reprint of the article.

If you do not have a Data Breach Response Plan, now is the time to create, test and implement one.  There are many resources that provide basic templates to assist with this task or you can partner with a data breach resolution advisor.

Expert help to create a professional Data Breach Response Plan is worth the investment. For more details, go to the Federal Trade Commission or go to the Better Business Bureau.

Introducing Worklio: A New Beginning for the PEO Industry

Worklio™ is a new source of power and capability for the PEO industry. It is the dawn of a new era.

The Worklio™ system connects the PEO, its client companies, and their worksite employees in a comprehensive Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. Everything is compatible. All of the data is consistent. And everything exists in an enclosed, secure system.

The Software-as-a-Service platform is custom-built on the latest Microsoft® .Net and MS SQL 2016 technology platform, designed and optimized for the Microsoft® Azure Cloud, and available 24 x 7 across all devices. The Worklio™ solution is based on a solid foundation built exclusively for PEOs: Payroll Administration, Workers’ Compensation, Customized Reporting, Analytics and Intelligence, Benefit Management Tools, Human Resources, Electronic Onboarding, Billing, Job Costing, General Ledger and Accounting Integration, and Mobile Applications. The design is intuitive and user-friendly, making information easy to find and procedures simple to understand. Complicated functions are simplified with step-by-step instructions. Customization allows for streamlining daily tasks. Customer Support is always available and professional.

The Worklio™ system saves time through efficiency, saves money through consolidation and integration, and makes business more successful through collaboration.

Worklio™ — a new beginning for the PEO industry.



HR, Payroll, and Benefits

The Modern Teamwork Platform


* * *

Worklio will introduce its modern and powerful HCM platform to the PEO market at the NAPEO 2017 Annual Conference & Marketplace this week at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes in Orlando, Fla.

The Worklio booth is #706/708.


* * *

For more information, go to worklio.com .

Worklio: A New Era


Old software and inconsistent support will soon be memories of the past. Prepare for a new way. Prepare for efficiency. Prepare for savings.

Prepare for a disruption:

A new era has begun for the PEO market.

Worklio will soon introduce its modern and powerful software at the NAPEO 2017 Annual Conference & Marketplace on Sept. 6 to 8 at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes in Orlando, Fla.

The Worklio booth is #706/708.

Life will never be the same and business will only be better.

The Worklio Advertisement in PEO Insider.

The Worklio system connects the PEO, its client companies, and their worksite employees in a comprehensive Human Capital Management (HCM) solution. Everything is compatible. All of the data is consistent. And everything exists in an enclosed, secure system.

The Software-as-a-Service platform is custom-built on the latest Microsoft .Net and MS SQL 2016 technology platform, designed and optimized for the Microsoft Azure Cloud, and available 24 x 7 across all devices. The Worklio solution is based on a solid foundation of: Payroll Administration, Workers’ Compensation, a Customized Report Writer, Benefit Management Tools, Time and Attendance, Electronic Onboarding, Billing, Accounting Integration, and Mobile Apps. The design is intuitive and user-friendly, making information easy to find and procedures simple to understand. Complicated functions are simplified with step-by-step instructions. Customization allows for streamlining daily tasks. Customer Support is always professional and available.

The Worklio system saves time through efficiency, saves money through consolidation and integration, and makes business more successful through collaboration.

Worklio — a new beginning for the PEO industry.



HR, Payroll, and Benefits

The Modern Teamwork Platform